Drop bags are reasonably sized boxes or bags containing your personal items to resupply you during the race. Items you bring will be distributed to the following aid stations:
Tompkin’s Bend (100 Mile ONLY!)
Crystal Springs Pavilion
Avery Recreation Area
Drop bags MUST be labeled with YOUR NAME, YOUR RACE NUMBER and the AID STATION NAME. Drop bags will be returned to the finish pavilion in the following approximate time frame:
Avery – after the final runner has cleared the station Approximately, Saturday 6pm.
Crystal Springs Pavilion – 1st load 6:00pm Saturday; remaining bags – after the final runner has cleared the station
Tompkin’s Bend (100 mile only) – 1st load 7:00am Sunday with additional pickups though out the day.
Please be patient with us as bags are collected and returned. Due to the remote nature of the course and the distance between aid stations, this is a time-consuming process and priority will be given to supporting runners on the course.
All uncollected items will be donated the week after the race.
For more drop bag advice, check out 10 Must Haves according to RunItFast.